Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in volunteering for the 2025 Berlin & Beyond Film Festival, please email: berlinbeyond@gmail.com
Get involved, be a special part of the action, make new friends, and enjoy great films.
Volunteer Requirements
- Be at least 18 years of age at registration to volunteer for the festival.
- Be at least 21 years of age at registration to volunteer at our special events & parties.
- Sign up for a minimum of two shifts (equivalent to at least 6 hours).
- Fill out registration form and agree with the Volunteer Code of Conduct.
- Show up at least 30 minutes prior to first shift of the day.
- Expected to attend ALL scheduled shifts. Repeated no shows will result in your volunteer name being flagged and you will no longer be able to volunteer with the festival.
Volunteer Departments
- Crowd Control, Tickets and Ushers
- Stage and Auditorium
- Set-Up and Clean-Up
- Special Events
- Marketing
- Pre-Festival Festival Support
Volunteer Code of Conduct
- Respect all those involved in making the festival possible. Be as polite, friendly, and helpful as possible during every interaction.
- Respect the confidentiality of the festival and all those involved. Everyone loves to be in the know but in some cases, you MUST refrain from sharing certain information. Examples are: do not speak to press, do not share information regarding party locations or special guests, and do not gossip about special guests, artists and celebrities attending the festival.
- Respect the pass and ticket structure of the festival. Know and follow the rules and timing of guest entry to each event.
- Know your shifts and schedule.
- Know what is expected of you during your shifts.
- Know who your team leader is and ask questions if you don’t know what to do.
- Show up to shifts on time and meet the commitment you have made.
- Give out accurate information and know where to find answers to questions you don’t know.
- Be informed on the ticketing and pass structure, venue locations, daily events, and details regarding your particular volunteer assignment.
- Be an ambassador for the Berlin & Beyond Film Festival.
- Represent the festival in the best possible way.
- Dress appropriately and follow the volunteer dress code.
- Refrain from eating, smoking, chewing gum, or drinking beverages other than bottled water.
- Keep interactions with talent and special guests professional. No asking for photos or handing out cards and scripts or providing personal details while on duty.